Proofing and Editing
Make sure its perfect.
Typos, missing words, grammatical and spelling errors can not only ruin the reading experience, but also cause a rift in the author-reader relationship. Once you’ve read your book several times, you can overlook simple errors, because you’re familiar with what you meant to say. Allow us to grant a fresh set of eyes to your manuscript, to catch what you may have missed.
Our Proofing and Editing services can be as minimal as a final once-over, or a complete copyedit, where we make major corrections and offer feedback. As readers ourselves, we can give an honest take on what flows well and what may need to be tweaked a little bit. As Editors, and Publishers, we can give an educated take on the work and professional tips and suggestions. Lastly, as Authors, we know that our books are our babies, so we take special care when offerings suggestion, because we know how special your book is to you.