Proposal Application

Submission Guidelines


  • Proposal completely filled out
  • Author’s Bio with Headshot
  • Synopsis

We will contact you via phone or by email letting you know if you met our submission guidelines.

The next step after approval, we would like to receive an electronic version (MSWord) by email of your complete manuscript, double-spaced with one inch margins. We would then submit the contract for your review and comments. Once the contract has been agreed upon, at that time we will move forward with the process of getting your book published. There are several steps involved to which we will discuss with you before moving forward.

Apples in the Seeds, LLC | Publishing offers a publishing experience where we connect with you to meet your publishing needs. You have creativity inside of you that must come out. Believe that you can do anything you put your mind to do, and it will be accomplished.

Any questions concerning the above content please email us at [email protected]